A traditional 90 minute ashtanga primary series- this is an advanced practice, so just do whatever feels appropriate from day to day. Think of these postures as directions of movement, so don’t worry if you don’t all of the postures as demonstrated. Remember, the most important thing is to keep breathing evenly, with awareness to the breath; let your physical yoga practice gently unfold over time.
This is counted through using the traditional Sanskrit numbered count, with additional directions and suggestions for each of the postures. This is an up-to-date counted primary series, of how it would currently be counted through in Mysore, India.
An audio MP3 is available on request- contact me and I’ll send you a link so you can download it for easy offline use with the PDFs: just send me a message using the contact page.
And use the links below for free PDFs of this sequence; this will help you start memorising it over time.
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Thank you 🙏🏽 and enjoy being on your yoga mat!